10 reasons to attend Arena’s next event

By Berenice, Friday 21 October 2022

Arena’s next event 'Sustainability - Leading the Way in Hospitality & Foodservice' takes place on Monday 7 November 2022 at Revolve Restaurant within the new development of 100 Liverpool Street - British Land's first carbon neutral building. Tickets are selling fast for this exclusive event and with only 60 places available in total, now is the time to secure your place if you have not already done so, and here's 10 good reasons why...

Given that 81% of companies are more focused on sustainability than they were just three years ago, now is the time for Arena to bring together a panel of amazing speakers for you to hear from who are implementing change and leading the way in sustainable ways of operating to build a better business.  Also, with 62% of consumers preferring to buy from sustainable brands and 90% expect companies to take environmental responsibility, this event will ensure you gain some key learnings to take back to your businesses.

10 Key Reasons Why You Should Attend

Whether you are a supplier or operator within the foodservice and hospitality sector, by attending this event you will:

  1. Learn why NOW is the right time to get to grips with sustainability
  2. Gain a greater understanding of how you can reduce your carbon footprint and what are the commercial benefits you can gain from a business perspective by doing so
  3. Find out how you can achieve transparent and credible progress and communicate this to your customers
  4. Increase your knowledge on how to keep sustainability on the agenda despite the current challenges
  5. Learn how to engage your teams and customers to ensure you work collaboratively to achieve your sustainability goals
  6. Enjoy a fabulous networking drinks reception and three-course lunch with wine
  7. Build upon existing business relationships and form new relationships with like-minded industry colleagues face to face
  8. Have the opportunity to discuss the current challenges affecting your business with your peers and learn new ways to overcome them
  9. Meet our speakers and learn from their knowledge and expertise
  10. Spend less time in virtual meetings and meet industry colleagues face to face


Or if you would prefer not to book online, contact Lorraine Wood by email or on 07803 853618.