Arena Summer Event explores market confidence, the sugar levy and key challenges and opportunities

By Berenice, Wednesday 4 July 2018

Market Confidence, the impact of the sugar levy and key challenges and opportunities ahead for operators and suppliers will be explored by CGA and Britvic Soft Drinks in two exclusive industry insight presentations at the Arena Summer Event on Friday 13 July.

Market confidence with Fiona Speakman, Client Director, CGA:
The eating- and drinking-out market has never been more exciting for consumers, however, faced with all this choice there is a real challenge for operators to continue to meet expectations.

Fiona will be providing an update on the current state of the out-of-home market, highlighting the key trends across consumer, supply and demand.

She will also address the state of confidence amongst industry leaders and the potential impact of legislation in relation to the sugar tax and rising costs, assessing the reaction of consumers. This session will also highlight the areas of opportunity within the market and where the focus needs to be in relation to offer and sustainability.

The soft drinks levy with, Keith Fenton, Head of Foodservice, Britvic:
Keith will consider, at a macro market and foodservice level, the impacts of the sugar levy since its introduction on 6 April.

Using the latest market insights, he will look at the changes that have been experienced in buying behaviours at customer and consumer level, the overall performance of the total soft drinks market and the changing trends since the introduction of the levy, offering insight into how ranges and categories could be shaped moving forward. He will also look at how manufacturers have reacted and adapted to the legislation, both pre and post levy, and the subsequent reactions from consumers.

In addition, through a panel of relevant, thought-provoking speakers, the Arena Summer Event: 'Securing Success through People' will discuss how attracting, developing, engaging and retaining great people is increasingly essential to a business’ success. The line-up includes Stephanie Hamilton, Head of People & Culture, ISS UK & Ireland, Chris Hill, Chief Executive, New World Trading Company, Jonathan Raggett, Managing Director, Red Carnation Hotels, Hazel Detsiny, Managing Director, Unilever Food Solutions and Tevin Tobun, Managing Director, Gate Ventures.

Tickets are still available.  Click here for more information and to buy tickets online or contact Lorraine Wood by email or on 07803 853 618.