Relationships are vital to success following Brexit

By Berenice, Thursday 7 February 2019

In uncertain economic and political times, the relationships we foster and the ideas and knowledge we share are more important than ever. As Brexit dominates agendas, industry colleagues are being urged to unite to ensure success follows the UK’s departure from the EU. The 'Arena Savoy Lecture: A view from the top' will bring hospitality professionals together to openly discuss what Brexit means for the industry and to explore how by working together challenges can become opportunities.

Kate Nicholls, who is headlining the Arena Savoy Lecture just nine days before the UK is due to leave the EU, said:

“The hospitality sector and UK businesses in general are facing instability unprecedented in recent memory. If we want to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities ahead, it is vital that we share our collective wisdom.”  

In front of an audience of hospitality and foodservice professionals, Kate will discuss what UKHospitality is doing to represent and support businesses across all sectors and how the industry can work together during challenging times.

The debate will open further, as other industry leaders from across the sectors give their differing opinions and approaches to the unprecedented situation.

Why Attend?

The event will allow you to make connections and develop relationships with fellow foodservice and hospitality professionals in addition to providing you with an understanding of how you can turn challenges into opportunities.

Starting at 5.30pm, this is an unmissable event for anyone working within foodservice and hospitality.  Tickets are available now. Click here for more information and to buy tickets online or contact Lorraine by email or on 07803 853 618.