Jonathan Raggett, MD, Red Carnation Hotels will explore people-focused culture at Arena Summer Event

By Berenice, Wednesday 13 June 2018

Jonathan Raggett, the managing director of Red Carnation Hotels, will take to the Arena Summer Event stage to discuss the role culture plays in attracting and engaging employees, as the workplace increasingly becomes an extension of people’s values and beliefs.

Don’t miss Jonathan’s insight into:

  • His 20-year expertise and influence that turned Red Carnation Hotels into a business people aspire to work for
  • The people strategy and award-winning training programmes at the cornerstone of its success
  • Inspiring home-grown talent and future proofing the business
  • Encouraging young people into hospitality
  • Motivating and empowering people to deliver exceptional service; generating NPS scores averaging 85% across all hotels
  • The people-focused culture that made Red Carnation Hotels the first hospitality company in the UK to achieve Investors in People Gold Standard and has secured a top ten spot in The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For, for three years 

The Arena Summer Event will explore how attracting, developing, engaging and retaining great people is increasingly essential to a business’ success. As well as Jonathan Raggett, the line-up of relevant, though-provoking speakers includes Hazel Detsiny, Managing Director, Unilever Food Solutions, Stephanie Hamilton, Head of People & Culture, ISS UK & Ireland, Chris Hill, Chief Executive, New World Trading Company and Tevin Tobun, Managing Director, Gate Ventures.

An exclusive industry insight session will also look at ‘Market Confidence’, including the key challenges and opportunities ahead for operators and suppliers, and the impact of the soft drinks levy.         

Tickets are selling fast.  Click here for more information and to buy tickets online or contact Lorraine Wood by email or on 07803 853 618.